Mediation Analysis in R

Princeton University

Jason Geller, PH.D.(he/him)



  • Testing mediation in R

    • Classical approach to testing mediation (Baron and Kenny)

    • Joint significance

    • Sobel

    • Bootstrapped approach to testing mediation (preferred approach)

  • Other models:

    • Multiple mediators

    • Within-subject mediation

  • Reporting mediation results




options(scipen = 999) # get rid sci notation

Is mediation f***ed?

  • Mediation is a hard causal inference task!

    • Manipulation of and random assignment of X affords causal inference/causal claims

      • However, we rarely do the same for M

        • Mediation analysis requires theory and subsequent experiments to test mediator

Is mediation f***ed?

Julia Rohrer’s talk delves into some of these issues


Bullock, J. G., Green, D. P., & Ha, S. E. (2010). Yes, but what’s the mechanism? (don’t expect an easy answer). Journal of personality and social psychology, 98(4), 550–558.

Mediation: Example

  • Does study time mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and exam scores?

    • Implying that the overuse of Facebook prevents people from studying, so they do differently on their exam

Load packages

library(MeMoBootR) # mediation analysis #download from gihub
library(JSmediation) # mediation analysis
library(flexplot) # mediate_plot function
library(lavaan) # SEM and mediation 
#library(tidySEM)# plot models from lavaan
library(processR) # path model figs`

Load data

previous facebook exam
3 3.666667 1
2 5.000000 1
1 4.000000 2
1 4.500000 7
1 4.500000 6
1 4.500000 1

Testing Mediation

Causal Steps - Baron & Kenny (1986)

  • Mediation is tested through three regression models:
  • Predicting the outcome from the predictor variable
  • X -> Y
  • c path : total effect
  • Predicting the mediator from the predictor variable

  • X -> M

  • a path

  • Predicting the outcome from both the predictor variable and the mediator

  • X+Mβ†’Y

  • b path

  • c’ (c-prime) path: direct effect

Mediation Paths

c: β€œtotal effect” of X on Y Total effect = direct effect + indirect effect
a x b = β€œindirect effect” of X on Y (our mediation effect) indirect effect = total effect - direct effect
\(c^\prime\) = β€œdirect effect” of X on Y

Why take the product of the two coefficients?

  • An intuitive explanation:

    • A 1 unit increase in M corresponds to a b unit increase in Y holding X constant

      • How much does X change M?

        • a
  • So if a = 1/2, X changes M by 1/2, which then changes Y by b, the indirect effect is (1/2) Γ— b

Causal Steps - Baron & Kenny (1986)

  • Traditionally, to show mediation ALL these conditions must be met:

    • X must significantly predict Y in Step 1

    • X must significantly predict M in Step 2

    • M must significantly predict Y controlling for X in Step 3

    • The effect of X on Y must be reduced in Step 3

      • If X is no longer significant, you have β€œfull mediation”

      • If X is still significant, then you have β€œpartial mediation”

        • Not really used in anymore

Mediation: c path

Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 4.5679439 0.5389142 0.95 3.5062701 5.6296178 8.476199 237 0.0000000
facebook -0.6611852 0.1280633 0.95 -0.9134729 -0.4088974 -5.162956 237 0.0000005
  • The c path (total effect): X –> Y:

    \(b = -0.66, t(237) = -5.16, 95\% CI[-0.91, -0.41], p < .001\)

Mediation: a path

Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 2.4466495 0.4095586 0.95 1.6398092 3.2534899 5.973869 237 0.0000000
facebook -0.2108046 0.0973243 0.95 -0.4025358 -0.0190734 -2.166002 237 0.0313087
  • The a path: X –> M:

    \(b = -0.21, t(237) = -2.16, 95\% CI[-0.40, -0.02], p = .031\)

Mediation: b, c’ path

  • Add in the b (M –> Y) and c’ (direct) paths: X + M –> Y
Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 3.9329387 0.5679094 0.95 2.8141192 5.0517583 6.925292 236 0.0000000
facebook -0.6064728 0.1270523 0.95 -0.8567744 -0.3561712 -4.773409 236 0.0000032
previous 0.2595407 0.0839713 0.95 0.0941117 0.4249697 3.090828 236 0.0022357
  • c’ Path: \(b = -0.61, t(237) = -4.77, 95\% CI[-0.86, -0.36], p < .001\)

  • b Path: \(b = 0.26, t(237) = 3.09, 95\% CI[0.09, 0.42], p = .002\)

Mediation: interpretation

  • Facebook usage negatively impacts exam scores (c path = -.66)

  • Facebook usage negatively impacts previous study time (a path = -.21)

  • Controlling for Facebook time, previous study time positively impacts exam scores (b path = .26)

  • Controlling for previous study time, Facebook usage negatively impacts exam scores (c’ path = -0.61)

  • Do we have mediation here?

Causal Steps - Baron & Kenny (1986)

  • Traditionally, to show mediation ALL these conditions must be met:

    • X must significantly predict Y in Step 1 βœ…

    • X must significantly predict M in Step 2 βœ…

    • M must significantly predict Y controlling for X in Step 3 βœ…

    • The effect of X on Y must be reduced in Step 3

      • If X is no longer significant, you have β€œfull mediation”

      • If X is still significant, then you have β€œpartial mediation” βœ…

        • Not really used in anymore

Issues with causal steps

  • Indirect effect is inferred rather than directly estimated
  • Failure to meet a criterion results in game over!
  • If total effect (path c) is not statistically significant, game does not begin

Joint significance test

  • An edited version of causal steps approach

    • If a path and b path are significant

      • Mediation!
  • Some issues:

    • Indirect effect is inferred rather than directly estimated

    • Failure to meet a criterion results in game over!


Yzerbyt, V., Muller, D., Batailler, C., & Judd, C. M. (2018). New recommendations for testing indirect effects in mediational models: The need to report and test component paths. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), 929–943. doi: 10.1037/pspa0000132

Testing mediation: Sobel test

  • So, did mediation happen? Is a change from 0.66 to 0.61 important?

  • The Sobel Test:

    \[Z = \frac{a \times b}{\sqrt{b^2 \times SE_a^2 + a^2 \times SE_b^2}}\]

    • If the indirect effect is larger than the error, we would conclude that the addition of the M variable changed the c path

Sobel Test

Sobel test

#conducts sobel test
              Sobel      Aroian     Goodman
z.value -1.77380460 -1.71464047 -1.83954863
p.value  0.07609548  0.08641116  0.06583453
  • Z = -1.77, p = .08

    • We would conclude that no mediation had occurred


Other tests listed use slightly different denominator formula

Sobel test

  • Serious problem!

    • Assumes indirect effect is normally distributed

      • Not always the case

Mediation: Bootstrapping

  • Testing significance of indirect effect (a x b)

    • Does not assume distribution is normal
    • More sensitive test = Higher power!

Mediation: Bootstrapping

  • What it is:

    • A computer based method for deriving the probability distribution for any random variable
  • When to use it:

    • You do not know the distribution of your variable(s)
  • How to do it:

    • Run your analysis a bunch of times with a slightly different set of observations each time

Bootstrap: Overview

  1. Take a random sample of size n from the sample with replacement
  2. Estimate the indirect effect in this β€œresample”
  3. Repeat (1) and (2) a total of k times, where k is at least 1,000. The larger k, the better. I recommend at least 10,000
  4. Use distribution of the indirect effect over multiple resamples as an approximation of the sampling distribution of the indirect effect

Bootstrap: Overview

The Bootstrapped CI

  • Using the bootstrap sample we can calculate 95% CI

    • Percentile bootstrap

      • Find the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution of the statistic
  • If 0 is included, no mediation


Variations exist (e.g., β€˜bias corrected’ or β€˜bias-corrected and accelerated’ confidence intervals but they do not perform as well as percentile.)

Mediation: All together + bootstrapping

  • Do it all with one function

    • The MeMoBootR package (developed by Erin Buchanon) gives you data screening, each step of the mediation, and the bootstrapping results!

      • The data screening does not include accuracy or missing data, so that should be completed first
#no missing data allowed
med_results <- mediation1(y = "exam",
                          x = "facebook", 
                          m = "previous", nboot = 1000, 
                          df = master)





Mediation: MeMoBootR

For each of our stages of mediation, you can print out the models:

model_parameters(med_results$model1) %>% kable()
Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 4.5679439 0.5389142 0.95 3.5062701 5.6296178 8.476199 237 0.0000000
facebook -0.6611852 0.1280633 0.95 -0.9134729 -0.4088974 -5.162956 237 0.0000005
model_parameters((med_results$model2)) %>% kable()
Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 2.4466495 0.4095586 0.95 1.6398092 3.2534899 5.973869 237 0.0000000
facebook -0.2108046 0.0973243 0.95 -0.4025358 -0.0190734 -2.166002 237 0.0313087
model_parameters(med_results$model3) %>% kable()
Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high t df_error p
(Intercept) 3.9329387 0.5679094 0.95 2.8141192 5.0517583 6.925292 236 0.0000000
facebook -0.6064728 0.1270523 0.95 -0.8567744 -0.3561712 -4.773409 236 0.0000032
previous 0.2595407 0.0839713 0.95 0.0941117 0.4249697 3.090828 236 0.0022357

Mediation: MeMoBootR

  • Next, you can get the Sobel test results:


  • Last, let’s get the bootstrapped results:


boot(data = finaldata, statistic = indirectmed, R = nboot, formula2 = allformulas$eq2, 
    formula3 = allformulas$eq3, x = x, med.var = m)

Bootstrap Statistics :
       original       bias    std. error
t1* -0.05471237 -0.001450445  0.03794187


  • Returns several type of cis

    • Percentile bootstrap
med_results$$percent %>% kable()
0.95 25.03 975.98 -0.1459171 -0.000731
  • The indirect effect would be reported as: b = -0.05, 95% CI[-0.147, -0.001]

Mediation visualization



No good programs to create nice looking path models

Mediation visualization

library(flexplot) # mediation plot

mediate_plot(exam~previous +facebook,data=master)


  • Incorporates easystats

    mediation_fit <- mdt_simple(master,
                 IV =facebook,
                 DV = exam,
                 M  = previous)

JSmediation results

# Mediation Results
Test of mediation (simple mediation)


- IV: facebook 
- DV: exam 
- M: previous 


====  ==============  =====  =======================
Path  Point estimate     SE  APA                    
====  ==============  =====  =======================
a             -0.211  0.097  t(237) = 2.17, p = .031
b              0.260  0.084  t(236) = 3.09, p = .002
c             -0.661  0.128  t(237) = 5.16, p < .001
c'            -0.606  0.127  t(236) = 4.77, p < .001
====  ==============  =====  =======================

Indirect effect index:

Indirect effect index is not computed by default.
Please use add_index() to compute it.

Fitted models:

- X -> Y 
- X -> M 
- X + M -> Y 

JSmediation: Indirect effect

# Testing Indirect Effect with `JSmediation`
model_fit_with_index <- add_index(mediation_fit)
Test of mediation (simple mediation)


- IV: facebook 
- DV: exam 
- M: previous 


====  ==============  =====  =======================
Path  Point estimate     SE  APA                    
====  ==============  =====  =======================
a             -0.211  0.097  t(237) = 2.17, p = .031
b              0.260  0.084  t(236) = 3.09, p = .002
c             -0.661  0.128  t(237) = 5.16, p < .001
c'            -0.606  0.127  t(236) = 4.77, p < .001
====  ==============  =====  =======================

Indirect effect index:

- type: Indirect effect 
- point estimate: -0.0547 
- confidence interval:
  - method: Monte Carlo (5000 iterations)
  - level: 0.05 
  - CI: [-0.129; -0.00377]

Fitted models:

- X -> Y 
- X -> M 
- X + M -> Y 


Take note of defaults and how how CIs are estimated. Here they use Monte Carlo CIs

JSmediation results: Assumptions

first_model <- extract_model(mediation_fit, step = 1)

second_model <- extract_model(mediation_fit, step = 2)

third_model <- extract_model(mediation_fit, step = 3)

JSmediation results: Assumptions

X -> Y
Warning: Non-normality of residuals detected (p < .001).
Warning: Heteroscedasticity (non-constant error variance) detected (p < .001).
X -> M
Warning: Non-normality of residuals detected (p < .001).
Warning: Heteroscedasticity (non-constant error variance) detected (p = 0.037).
X + M -> Y
Warning: Non-normality of residuals detected (p < .001).
Warning: Heteroscedasticity (non-constant error variance) detected (p < .001).

Complex Mediation Models

Multiple mediator model

  • Test the influence of multiple mediator

  • Specific indirect effect

    • X -> M_1 -> Y

    • X -> M_2 -> Y

  • Total indirect effect

    • Overall influence of mediators
  • Can determine which one has a stronger influence


  • Similar to popular MPlus software, but free!

  • ~ regression; * labels; := define variables

multipleMediation <- '
bmi ~ b1 * tvhours + b2 * cellhours + cp * age
tvhours ~ a1 * age
cellhours ~ a2 * age
# Fit indirect 1
indirect1 := a1 * b1
# Fit indirect 2
indirect2 := a2 * b2
# total
total := cp + (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2)
total_indirect := (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2)
#test if size of med are different
med_diff := indirect1 - indirect2
#prob mediated
prop_med_1 := indirect1 / (indirect1+cp)
prop_med_2 := indirect2 / (indirect2+cp)
prop_med := total_indirect /(total_indirect+cp)
fit <- sem(model = multipleMediation, data = weight_behavior, se = "bootstrap",  bootstrap = 500)

Lavaan summary

summary(fit, ci=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE) # output with 95% bootstrapped cis and rsqaure
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 8 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         8

  Number of observations                           543

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                44.446
  Degrees of freedom                                 1
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                            Bootstrap
  Number of requested bootstrap draws              500
  Number of successful bootstrap draws             500

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
  bmi ~                                                                 
    tvhours   (b1)    0.120    0.126    0.947    0.343   -0.145    0.361
    cellhours (b2)    0.217    0.132    1.647    0.100   -0.034    0.470
    age       (cp)    0.026    0.132    0.194    0.846   -0.292    0.227
  tvhours ~                                                             
    age       (a1)    0.017    0.047    0.364    0.716   -0.074    0.129
  cellhours ~                                                           
    age       (a2)    0.041    0.065    0.627    0.530   -0.033    0.226

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
   .bmi              15.273    1.620    9.425    0.000   12.209   18.787
   .tvhours           1.883    0.074   25.492    0.000    1.747    2.027
   .cellhours         1.512    0.087   17.340    0.000    1.329    1.666

    bmi               0.007
    tvhours           0.000
    cellhours         0.002

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
    indirect1         0.002    0.009    0.235    0.814   -0.012    0.025
    indirect2         0.009    0.017    0.526    0.599   -0.009    0.061
    total             0.037    0.130    0.282    0.778   -0.277    0.247
    total_indirect    0.011    0.019    0.569    0.569   -0.013    0.066
    med_diff         -0.007    0.019   -0.362    0.717   -0.061    0.021
    prop_med_1        0.074    2.087    0.036    0.972   -0.816    0.884
    prop_med_2        0.257    1.464    0.176    0.861   -1.845    1.788
    prop_med          0.299   25.095    0.012    0.990   -2.038    2.228

Lavaan summary

Regression Paths
Predictor DV Unstandardized Standardized
b 95% CI Ξ² 95% CI sig SE z p
age bmi  0.026 βˆ’0.292 β€” 0.227  0.008 βˆ’0.074 β€” 0.090 0.042  0.195 0.846
cellhours bmi  0.217 βˆ’0.034 β€” 0.470  0.068 βˆ’0.013 β€” 0.149 0.041  1.649 0.099
tvhours bmi  0.120 βˆ’0.145 β€” 0.361  0.042 βˆ’0.044 β€” 0.128 0.044  0.951 0.342
age cellhours  0.041 βˆ’0.033 β€” 0.226  0.041 βˆ’0.088 β€” 0.171 0.066  0.629 0.529
a1*b1 indirect1  0.002 βˆ’0.012 β€” 0.025  0.001 βˆ’0.003 β€” 0.004 0.002  0.337 0.736
a2*b2 indirect2  0.009 βˆ’0.009 β€” 0.061  0.003 βˆ’0.006 β€” 0.012 0.005  0.610 0.542
indirect1-indirect2 med_diff βˆ’0.007 βˆ’0.061 β€” 0.021 βˆ’0.002 βˆ’0.012 β€” 0.007 0.005 βˆ’0.444 0.657
total_indirect/(total_indirect+cp) prop_med  0.299 βˆ’2.038 β€” 2.228  0.299 βˆ’2.010 β€” 2.607 1.178  0.254 0.800
indirect1/(indirect1+cp) prop_med_1  0.074 βˆ’0.816 β€” 0.884  0.074 βˆ’0.729 β€” 0.878 0.410  0.181 0.856
indirect2/(indirect2+cp) prop_med_2  0.257 βˆ’1.845 β€” 1.788  0.257 βˆ’1.884 β€” 2.398 1.092  0.235 0.814
cp+(a1*b1)+(a2*b2) total  0.037 βˆ’0.277 β€” 0.247  0.012 βˆ’0.069 β€” 0.092 0.041  0.282 0.778
(a1*b1)+(a2*b2) total_indirect  0.011 βˆ’0.013 β€” 0.066  0.003 βˆ’0.007 β€” 0.014 0.005  0.675 0.499
age tvhours  0.017 βˆ’0.074 β€” 0.129  0.016 βˆ’0.069 β€” 0.100 0.043  0.364 0.716
* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

Lavaan summary

  • easystats provides nice summary function
# Regression

Link                 | Coefficient |   SE |        95% CI |    z |     p
bmi ~ tvhours (b1)   |        0.12 | 0.13 | [-0.14, 0.36] | 0.95 | 0.343
bmi ~ cellhours (b2) |        0.22 | 0.13 | [-0.03, 0.47] | 1.65 | 0.100
bmi ~ age (cp)       |        0.03 | 0.13 | [-0.29, 0.23] | 0.19 | 0.846
tvhours ~ age (a1)   |        0.02 | 0.05 | [-0.07, 0.13] | 0.36 | 0.716
cellhours ~ age (a2) |        0.04 | 0.07 | [-0.03, 0.23] | 0.63 | 0.530

# Defined

To               | Coefficient |       SE |        95% CI |     z |     p
(indirect1)      |    2.06e-03 | 8.77e-03 | [-0.01, 0.03] |  0.24 | 0.814
(indirect2)      |    8.89e-03 |     0.02 | [-0.01, 0.06] |  0.53 | 0.599
(total)          |        0.04 |     0.13 | [-0.28, 0.25] |  0.28 | 0.778
(total_indirect) |        0.01 |     0.02 | [-0.01, 0.07] |  0.57 | 0.569
(med_diff)       |   -6.82e-03 |     0.02 | [-0.06, 0.02] | -0.36 | 0.717
(prop_med_1)     |        0.07 |     2.09 | [-0.82, 0.88] |  0.04 | 0.972
(prop_med_2)     |        0.26 |     1.46 | [-1.85, 1.79] |  0.18 | 0.861
(prop_med)       |        0.30 |    25.10 | [-2.04, 2.23] |  0.01 | 0.990

Lavaan Visualization

library(tidySEM)# plot models from lavaan

parallel_map <- tidySEM::get_layout("", "tvhours", "", "age", "", "bmi", "", "cellhours",
                                    "", rows = 3)
tidySEM::graph_sem(model=fit, layout=parallel_map)

Lavaan Practice

  • Fit our simple facebook mediation model using Lavaan

Lavaan Practice

  • Look at that! Same results as before
Regression Paths
Predictor DV Unstandardized Standardized
b 95% CI Ξ² 95% CI sig SE z p
facebook exam βˆ’0.606 βˆ’0.921 β€” βˆ’0.351 βˆ’0.292 βˆ’0.398 β€” βˆ’0.185 *** 0.054 βˆ’5.361 <0.001
previous exam  0.260  0.081 β€” 0.497   0.189  0.043 β€” 0.334  * 0.074  2.545     0.011
a*b indirect βˆ’0.055 βˆ’0.150 β€” 0.002  βˆ’0.026 βˆ’0.059 β€” 0.007  0.017 βˆ’1.565     0.118
facebook previous βˆ’0.211 βˆ’0.429 β€” 0.007  βˆ’0.139 βˆ’0.281 β€” 0.003  0.072 βˆ’1.923     0.055
cp+(a*b) total βˆ’0.661 βˆ’1.002 β€” βˆ’0.402 βˆ’0.318 βˆ’0.425 β€” βˆ’0.211 *** 0.055 βˆ’5.816 <0.001
* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

Within-participant mediation

  • Mediation when X is a within-subject variable

  • Dohle and Siegrist (2014, Exp 1)

    • Interested in the effect of name complexity on buying drugs

      • The specific hypothesis is that complex drug names are perceived as more hazardous, which makes someone less likely to buy the drug

Within-participant mediation

\[ Y_{2i} - Y_{1i} = c_{11} \]

with \(Y2_i\)β€‹βˆ’\(Y1_i\) the difference score between DV conditions for the outcome variable for the ith observation

\[ M_{2i}-M_{1i} = a_{21} \]

with \(M_{2i}\)β€‹βˆ’\(M1_{1i}​\) the difference score between DV conditions for the mediator variable for the ith observation,

\[Y_{2i} - Y_{1i} = c'_{31} + b_{32}(M_{2i} - M_{1i}) + d_{33}[0.5(M_{1i} + M_{2i}) - 0.5(\overline{M_{1} + M_{2}})]\]

Where we have the direct path, mediator diff and mean_diff

Within-participant mediation

data <- JSmediation::dohle_siegrist

within_mdt <- mdt_within(data=data, IV=name, DV= willingness, M=hazardousness,grouping=participant)


  • Montoya, A. K., & Hayes, A. F. (2017). Two-condition within-participant statistical mediation analysis: A path-analytic framework. Psychological Methods, 22(1), 6-27. doi: 10.1037/met0000086

Within-participant indirect effect

model_fit_with_index <- add_index(within_mdt)
Test of mediation (within-participant_mediation)


- IV: name (difference: simple - complex) 
- DV: willingness 
- M: hazardousness 


====  ==============  =====  ======================
Path  Point estimate     SE  APA                   
====  ==============  =====  ======================
a             -0.800  0.258  t(21) = 3.10, p = .005
b             -0.598  0.113  t(19) = 5.29, p < .001
c              0.564  0.193  t(21) = 2.92, p = .008
c'             0.085  0.158  t(19) = 0.54, p = .596
====  ==============  =====  ======================

Indirect effect index:

- type: Within-participant indirect effect 
- point estimate: 0.479 
- confidence interval:
  - method: Monte Carlo (5000 iterations)
  - level: 0.05 
  - CI: [0.163; 0.865]

Fitted models:

- 1 -> DV_diff 
- 1 -> M_diff 
- 1 + M_diff + M_mean -> DV_diff 

Summary: Mediation

  • What it is: A method for testing hypotheses about why and how x predicts y

  • When you use it:

    • Whenever you would start using words like β€œbecause” in your introduction section
  • Best approach*:

    • Bootstrapping

Write-up: Mediation

  • a, b paths

  • Direct effect (c’)

  • Total effect (c)

  • Indirect effect

  • How did you test indirect effect

    • Sobel test or Bootstrapping (# bootstrapped samples)
  • Proportion mediated

  • Figure of path diagram

    • Create in PPT 😱
    • Use DiagrammeR

Write up: Multiple mediators

  • Include all indirect effects

  • Total indirect effect

  • Proportion mediated


Wednesday and next week

  • Mediation lab
  • Path modeling/SEM (Renata and Brooke)