Princeton University
What is structural equation modeling (SEM)?
Path models
Important terminology
How to do it in R
Model fit & indices
Modification indices
A broad range of of techniques and frameworks
Not a single technique
Integration of:
Path analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis
Used to test and quantify theories
Model variables that exist (manifest) and those that don’t technically exist (latent factors)
You already know how to do it!
It is regression on steroids
Model many relationships at once, rather than run single regressions
Exogenous: no arrows pointed at it
Endogenous: arrows pointed at it
Manifest or observed variables
Represented by squares ❏
Measured from participants, business data, or other sources
While most measured variables are continuous, you can use categorical and ordered measures as well
Latent variables
Represented by circles ◯
Abstract phenomena you are trying to model
Are not represented by a number in the dataset
Linked to the measured variables
Represented indirectly by those variables
Y~X + Residual
Here that is Endogenous ~ Exogenous + disturbance
Represent the influence of factors not included in model
error in your prediction of each endogenous variable
Every endogenous variable has a disturbance
Straight arrows are “causal” or directional
Curved arrows are non-directional
Each endogenous variable is regressed on all exogenous variables that are connected in the chain that leads directly to it
You cannot test all models
If not identified, cannot analyze model
How is this determined?
There must be at least as many known values in the model as there are free parameters
Free parameters:
\[\frac{(K (K+1))}{2}\]- where k is number of measured variables
We can tell model is identified by calculating model DFs
Model DF = (known values) - (free parameters)
If model DF >=1 you can analyze model
DF = 0 (saturated)
You can still analyze the model
Fits data perfectly
No fit indices
Multiple regressions are just-identified model
DF < 0
Cant analyze our model
Just-identified - mathematical analogy
2 = x-y
2 knows and 2 unknowns
One set of values that can solve the equation
Can’t test other models
Under-identified - mathematical analogy
10 = x+ y
One known value and 2 unknowns (x,y)
There are infinite number of solutions
No way to derive a solution
Over-identified - mathematical analogy
2 = x-y
5 = x + 2y
What makes someone apply to graduate school?
Declare equations for every endogenous variable in your model
Declare indirect and covariances
declare a variable
name of variable
indicates a covariance/correlation
latent factor
grad_model = '*perceived.value+b*external.pressure+c*perceived.control
application.behaviour~d* e*perceived.control
perceived.control ~~ perceived.value # These are covariance paths
perceived.control ~~ external.pressure # These are covariance paths
external.pressure ~~ perceived.value # These are covariance paths
fit <- sem(grad_model, se="bootstrap", bootstrap=5000, data=grad)
SEM compares the observed covariance matrix to predicted or model-based covariance matrix
We want to know if our theoretical model fits the data
Good fit means we’ve captured the bulk of relations between variables in our model and there is not much covariance left over
This means we compare the relationships we’ve modeled to all possible relationships
Fit measure | Name | Cutoff |
\(\chi^2\)* | Chi-square | p > .05 |
(A)GFI | Adjusted Goodness of Fit | AGFI ≥ .90 |
TLI* | Tucker Lewis Index | TLI ≥ .95 |
CFI* | Comparative Fit Index | CFI ≥ .90 |
RMSEA* | Root Mean Square Error of Approximation | RMSEA < .08 |
(S)RMR* | Standardized Root Mean Square Residual | SRMR < .08 |
AVE (in CFAs) | Average Value Explained | AVE > .5 |
Hu, L.-t., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1–55.
Absolute fit (measures how well data fits specified model)
\(\chi^2\) (sensitive to sample size)
Badness of fit
Relative goodness of fit
fit <- sem(grad_model, se="bootstrap", bootstrap=5000, data=grad)
summary(fit, ci=TRUE,
standardize=TRUE, # get standardized
fit.measures=TRUE) # get fit indices
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 60 iterations
Estimator ML
Optimization method NLMINB
Number of model parameters 13
Number of observations 60
Model Test User Model:
Test statistic 0.862
Degrees of freedom 2
P-value (Chi-square) 0.650
Model Test Baseline Model:
Test statistic 136.416
Degrees of freedom 10
P-value 0.000
User Model versus Baseline Model:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) 1.000
Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) 1.045
Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
Loglikelihood user model (H0) -993.733
Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1) -993.303
Akaike (AIC) 2013.467
Bayesian (BIC) 2040.693
Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC) 1999.805
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
RMSEA 0.000
90 Percent confidence interval - lower 0.000
90 Percent confidence interval - upper 0.200
P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050 0.690
P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080 0.257
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
SRMR 0.019
Parameter Estimates:
Standard errors Bootstrap
Number of requested bootstrap draws 5000
Number of successful bootstrap draws 4998
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper ~
percevd.vl (a) 0.444 0.058 7.714 0.000 0.323 0.551
extrnl.prs (b) 0.029 0.035 0.850 0.396 -0.035 0.101
prcvd.cntr (c) -0.064 0.059 -1.075 0.282 -0.191 0.042
application.behaviour ~
intnt.t.pp (d) 1.520 0.535 2.840 0.005 0.487 2.593
prcvd.cntr (e) 0.734 0.303 2.422 0.015 0.249 1.455 Std.all
0.444 0.807
0.029 0.095
-0.064 -0.126
1.520 0.350
0.734 0.336
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
perceived.value ~~
perceivd.cntrl 34.696 10.891 3.186 0.001 16.025 58.051
external.pressure ~~
perceivd.cntrl 46.660 13.080 3.567 0.000 22.627 73.386
perceived.value ~~
external.prssr 39.758 11.894 3.343 0.001 16.815 63.559 Std.all
34.696 0.665
46.660 0.505
39.758 0.472
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper 5.780 0.987 5.855 0.000 3.537 7.384
.applicatn.bhvr 179.514 27.923 6.429 0.000 118.564 228.012
perceived.valu 47.616 9.468 5.029 0.000 30.203 67.277
external.prssr 149.236 22.301 6.692 0.000 105.792 193.454
perceivd.cntrl 57.154 14.014 4.078 0.000 31.636 85.717 Std.all
5.780 0.400
179.514 0.657
47.616 1.000
149.236 1.000
57.154 1.000
Defined Parameters:
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
val.thrgh.ntnt 0.675 0.252 2.683 0.007 0.200 1.199
prssr.thrgh.nt 0.045 0.058 0.768 0.442 -0.055 0.180
cntrl.thrgh.nt -0.097 0.111 -0.870 0.384 -0.379 0.056 Std.all
0.675 0.282
0.045 0.033
-0.097 -0.044
has you covered! Name Value Threshold Interpretation
1 GFI 0.99432949 0.95 satisfactory
2 AGFI 0.95747118 0.90 satisfactory
3 NFI 0.99368415 0.90 satisfactory
4 NNFI 1.04502659 0.90 satisfactory
5 CFI 1.00000000 0.90 satisfactory
6 RMSEA 0.00000000 0.05 satisfactory
7 SRMR 0.01902056 0.08 satisfactory
8 RFI 0.96842073 0.90 satisfactory
9 PNFI 0.19873683 0.50 poor
10 IFI 1.00846935 0.90 satisfactory
The model is not significantly different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86,
p = 0.650). The GFI (.99 > .95) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 <
.50) suggests a poor fit., The model is not significantly different from a
baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The AGFI (.96 > .90) suggest a
satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a poor fit., The model is not
significantly different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The
NFI (.99 > .90) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a
poor fit., The model is not significantly different from a baseline model
(Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The NNFI (.05 > .90) suggest a satisfactory fit.
The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a poor fit., The model is not significantly
different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The CFI (.00 >
.90) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a poor fit., The
model is not significantly different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p =
0.650). The RMSEA (.00 < .05) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50)
suggests a poor fit., The model is not significantly different from a baseline
model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The SRMR (.02 < .08) suggest a satisfactory
fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a poor fit., The model is not significantly
different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86, p = 0.650). The RFI (.97 >
.90) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 < .50) suggests a poor fit. and
The model is not significantly different from a baseline model (Chi2(2) = 0.86,
p = 0.650). The IFI (.01 > .90) suggest a satisfactory fit. The PNFI (.20 <
.50) suggests a poor fit.
parameters::model_parameters(fit, standardize = TRUE,
component = c("regression", "defined")) %>%
Model Summary | |||||
Parameter | Coefficient | SE | 95% CI | z | p |
Regression | ||||| ~ perceived.value (a) | 0.81 | 0.10 | (0.62, 1.00) | 8.28 | < .001 | ~ external.pressure (b) | 0.09 | 0.11 | (-0.12, 0.31) | 0.86 | 0.390 | ~ perceived.control (c) | -0.13 | 0.12 | (-0.36, 0.10) | -1.07 | 0.282 |
application.behaviour ~ (d) | 0.35 | 0.12 | (0.12, 0.58) | 3.00 | 0.003 |
application.behaviour ~ perceived.control (e) | 0.34 | 0.12 | (0.10, 0.57) | 2.84 | 0.005 |
Defined | |||||
(value.through.intent) | 0.28 | 0.10 | (0.08, 0.48) | 2.74 | 0.006 |
(pressure.through.intent) | 0.03 | 0.04 | (-0.05, 0.11) | 0.83 | 0.408 |
(control.through.intent) | -0.04 | 0.05 | (-0.13, 0.04) | -0.98 | 0.329 |
# Example of plotting the variables in specific locations
locations = matrix(c(0, 0, .5, 0, -.5, .5, -.5, 0, -.5, -.5), ncol=2, byrow=2)
labels = c("Intent\nTo Apply","Application\nBehaviour","Perceived\nValue","External\nPressure","Perceived\nControl")
diagram = semPaths(fit, whatLabels="std", nodeLabels = labels, layout=locations, sizeMan = 12, rotation=2)
Modification (mod) indices
Tell you what the chi-square change would be if you added the path suggested
Can make your model better
column)lhs | op | rhs | mi | epc | | sepc.all | sepc.nox |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | ~~ | application.behaviour | 0.50 | -4.20 | -4.20 | -0.13 | -0.13 |
application.behaviour | ~~ | perceived.value | 0.14 | 4.31 | 4.31 | 0.05 | 0.05 |
application.behaviour | ~~ | external.pressure | 0.43 | 11.74 | 11.74 | 0.07 | 0.07 |
application.behaviour | ~~ | perceived.control | 0.79 | -15.98 | -15.98 | -0.16 | -0.16 | | ~ | application.behaviour | 0.50 | -0.02 | -0.02 | -0.10 | -0.10 |
application.behaviour | ~ | perceived.value | 0.35 | 0.28 | 0.28 | 0.12 | 0.12 |
Comparing multiple models
Constraining paths
In SEM you can explicitly test hypotheses about the size of specific paths
Constrain a path to certain value
Constrain two paths to be equal
Assess alternative hypotheses/models
grad_model_constrained = ' ~ a*perceived.value + 0*external.pressure + c*perceived.control
application.behaviour ~ d* + perceived.control
perceived.control ~~ perceived.value # These are covariance paths
perceived.control ~~ external.pressure # These are covariance paths
external.pressure ~~ perceived.value # These are covariance paths
grad_analysis_constrained =
sem(grad_model_constrained, data=grad, se="bootstrap")
If you can create one model from another by the addition or subtraction of parameters, then it is nested
Evaluating models
Ensure both fit data well
Use LRT test
Name | Model | Chi2 | Chi2_df | p_Chi2 | Baseline | Baseline_df | p_Baseline | GFI | AGFI | NFI | NNFI | CFI | RMSEA | RMSEA_CI_low | RMSEA_CI_high | p_RMSEA | RMR | SRMR | RFI | PNFI | IFI | RNI | Loglikelihood | AIC | AIC_wt | BIC | BIC_wt | BIC_adjusted |
fit | lavaan | 0.8615836 | 2 | 0.6499942 | 136.416 | 10 | 0 | 0.9943295 | 0.9574712 | 0.9936841 | 1.045027 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.1997409 | 0.6896164 | 3.564326 | 0.0190206 | 0.9684207 | 0.1987368 | 1.008469 | 1.009005 | -993.7334 | 2013.467 | 0.3717899 | 2040.693 | 0.1719716 | 1999.805 |
grad_analysis_constrained | lavaan | 1.8124921 | 3 | 0.6122203 | 136.416 | 10 | 0 | 0.9886592 | 0.9432959 | 0.9867135 | 1.031312 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.1794375 | 0.6671659 | 4.826403 | 0.0301489 | 0.9557116 | 0.2960140 | 1.008901 | 1.009394 | -994.2089 | 2012.418 | 0.6282101 | 2037.550 | 0.8280284 | 1999.807 |
We wanted to see if the data fit Ajzen’s (1985) Theory of planned behavior (“Unconstrained Model,” Figure 1) better than a constrained model that posits no relationship between external pressure and intention to apply to graduate school (“Constrained Model,” Figure 2). The constrained model fit the data well, SRMR = .03, RMSEA = 0, 90% CI [0, 0.18], CFI = 1, AIC = 2000.42, BIC = 2012.98. A Likelihood Ratio test of the two models suggested that the models fit the data equally well, \(\chi^2\) (1) = 0.95, p = 0.33. Thus, we trimmed this path in the interest of parsimony.
We also compared a non-nested model that considered the strongest pathway of our originally hypothesized model in the context of job opportunities (“Opportunities Model,” Figure 3). The opportunities model had good absolute and relative goodness of fit but the relative badness of fit was poor, SRMR = .05, RMSEA =0.28, 90% CI [0.13, 0.44], CFI = 0.96, AIC = 1502.77, BIC = 1519.52. Comparing the Opportunities Model to the Hypothesized Model (Figure 1) using BIC (Kass & Raftery, 1995) reveals that the evidence strongly favors the Opportunities Model, \(BIC_{Hypothesized}\) = 2040.69, ΔBIC= 521.
Sample size: for parameter estimates to be accurate, you should have large samples
How many? Hard to say, but often hundreds are necessary
Check out Greg Hancock’s talk
sem(model, test="satorra.bentler")
SEM is a statistical technique that combines path analysis and factor analysis to allow for statistical modeling of the relationships between observed variables and latent constructs
It focuses heavily on model fit to evaluate how well the proposed model fits the data
It’s a very flexible analysis that has several variations, extensions, and applications
No lab on Wednesday
Next week
Free SEM workshop
May 8th-10th
PSY 504: Advanced Statistics