Week 1

Multilevel Modeling

Materials for meeting on

January 31, 2024

Before class


  • McCoach, D. B., & Cintron, D. (2022). Introduction to Modern Modelling Methods (1st edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.

Chapters 1 and 2

  • What type of data would necessitate a multilevel analysis? Come up with an example not given in the paper.
  • What are fixed and random effects? How do multilevel models and traditional regression differ in terms of fixed and random effects?
  • How can you statistically determine if your cases are not independent?
  • What assumptions does MLM have?
  • What is the difference between grand-mean and group mean centered data?
  • What is the folly of trying to account for dependence by including level 2 data in an ordinary regression model?



  • How to make a blog

  • MLM - Part 1

After class


S5E05 Multilevel Models Unleashed – QuantitudePod. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2024, from https://quantitudepod.org/s5e05-multilevel-models/