Week 9

Bayesian Data Analysis

Materials for meeting on

March 25, 2024

Before Class


  • Dienes, Z. (2008). Bayes and the probability hypotheses

    • What is Bayes’ Theorem and how is it used in statistical analysis?
    • How does Bayesian statistical analysis differ from NHST?
    • What affordances does Bayesian statistics provide that NHST does not?
    • How do Bayesian models incorporate prior knowledge or beliefs about the data?
    • What are some advantages and disadvantages of using Bayesian statistical methods?
    • How do you make statistical inferences and predictions using Bayesian methods?
  • Jarosz, A. F., & Wiley, J. (2014). What Are the Odds? A Practical Guide to Computing and Reporting Bayes Factors. The Journal of Problem Solving, 7(1).

    • What is a Bayes Factor?
    • How do you calculate them?
    • How do we interpret Bayes Factors?

After Class

  • Part 1:

  • Part 2:


  • Paul (creator of brms giving a nice talk about brms and Bayes
    • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fgqfJT-NVmyivoyMRkt4R7XNs8QlWv76/view?usp=drive_link


  • https://bookdown.org/marklhc/notes_bookdown/markov-chain-monte-carlo.html

    • Really nice explanation of MCMC